Uniting for Health: World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

Uniting for Health: World No Tobacco Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) presents World No Tobacco Day each year on May 31st to highlight the harmful effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products on a person’s overall health.

Conkote joins other organizations to celebrate World No Tobacco Day.

The History of World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)


In 1987, the World Health Organization state members established “World No Tobacco Day” to raise awareness about the devastating effects (deaths and disease) of tobacco usage on public health around the world. The World Health Assembly declared April 7, 1988, “a world no-smoking day” in Resolution WHA40.38 in 1987. In 1988, Resolution WHA42.19 was enacted, designating May 31 as World No Tobacco Day.

The Impact of Tobacco on Health


Tobacco consumption and smoking affects our health in number of ways, it kills 6 million persons annually and is expected to increase to over 8 million annually by 2030, and in addition to that, it is one of the risk factors of many diseases.

Combating smoking is a key element of WHO response to the global epidemic of non-communicable diseases, particularly heart diseases, blood vessels, cancer, chronic kidney and diabetes and other diseases. The non-communicable diseases cause the death of around 16 million persons annually (before the age of 70).  

The Impact of Tobacco on Health

How You Can Participate in World No Tobacco Day


1.Spread Awareness: Make use of your influence and voice to spread the word about the dangers smoking has to your health. Share informative posts, statistics, and personal stories on social media to educate your friends, family, and followers about the dangers of smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption.

2.Support Tobacco Cessation Programs: Show your support for services and programs aimed at helping people give up smoking. Donate to groups that assist smokers in quitting by providing resources such as counseling, nicotine replacement therapy, and other services.

3.Engage Youth: Focus on educating and empowering young people to reject tobacco use and make healthy choices.  Organize interactive seminars, peer-to-peer mentoring programs, and innovative initiatives to start a dialogue among young people about the dangers of tobacco use and the significance of leading a tobacco-free life.

4.Celebrate Success Stories: Honor and commemorate those who have successfully overcome their addiction to tobacco products or quit smoking. Share videos, and testimonials to inspire others and demonstrate that quitting is possible with determination, support, and access to resources.

How You Can Participate in World No Tobacco Day

Tips for quit smoking:

List your reasons to quit.

Tell people you’re quitting.

If you have tried to quit before, remember what worked.

Use stop smoking aids.

Have a plan if you are tempted to smoke.

List your smoking triggers and how to avoid them.

Keep cravings at bay by keeping busy.

Exercise away the urge.

Let’s work together to build a healthier and better world. On this World No Tobacco Day, let’s make a call for everyone to stay away from tobacco and move towards a future of health and happiness!

Conkote (19)