Precautions for injection you need to know


Precautions for injection you need to know

Offical website:Conkote

  1. When performing intramuscular injection, pay attention to selecting the appropriate injection position. If it is injected into the gluteus maximus, avoid the sciatic nerve.
  2. For intramuscular injection, there must be a withdrawal action. If there is a phenomenon of blood return, the injection cannot be carried out. This is to prevent the drug from entering the blood vessel.
  3. If it is intravenous infusion, strictly perform aseptic operation to prevent infection.Surgical tape can be use for infusion fixed and protect the impact from water and bacterial:Surgical tape

    smileplus non woven tape4
  4. Prevent air embolism during injection, add liquid medicine in time, and pull out the needle in time after infusion.Surgical tape can help to prevent spills from causing wound infections:Surgical tape

  5. Pay attention to the speed of the infusion to prevent acute heart failure and pulmonary edema caused by too fast or too much infusion.

Please note:
Due to intravenous infusion, fever, allergies, phlebitis, hematoma, and complications such as skin irritation or necrosis may occur if the fluid spills under the skin. Please minimize intravenous fluids and use oral medications as much as possible. You could also use the Foam dressing for wound care after infusion:Foam Dressing


Conkote (19)