Home Remedies for Burns
2021-11-10 2022-06-29 13:59Home Remedies for Burns

Home Remedies for Burns
Burns are always painful but are also inevitable. Whenever people get minor burns, they use grandma’s techniques to treat burns; without knowing that some of these techniques can do more harm than good. For instance, it is quite common to apply mint toothpaste on burns to get instant relief- But it is not the right way to treat burns. So, today we are going to share with you some effective home remedies for burns which do not cause any harm. In order to treat burns effectively, you must first know what type of a burn is it.
For sharing the professional knowledge of burns, we start with the following points:
- What are the Different Types of Burns?
- How to Treat Minor Burns at Home?
- Stay Away From These Home Remedies for Burns.
- How to Treat Major Burns?
What are the Different Types of Burns?

Burns can be classified by severity and damage. There are generally three types of burns:
- First- Degree Burn:First-degree burns are commonly known as “superficial burns” and do not cause much damage to the skin and only affect the outermost layer of the skin. These burns do not even cause blisters. Some of the common signs of a first-degree burn are redness, inflammation and slight peeling of the skin. First-degree burns are also known as minor burns and can be treated with home remedies. It takes about 7 to 10 days for the first-degree burns to heal without scarring. However, if the burn involves much of the hands, feet, groin, face or a major joint, then you must consult a Doctor immediately.
- Second-Degree Burn:Second-degree burns are a bit dangerous as they damage the top layer of skin. This type of burn becomes extremely red and sore and even causes blisters. Usually, second-degree burns heal within two to three weeks without scarring, but sometimes it can take more than three weeks to heal second-degree burns. Just like first-degree burns, second-degree burns can also be treated with home remedies, over-the-counter pain medications and antibiotic creams.However, if the burn affects a wide area such as face, buttocks, groin, hands and feet, then you must seek immediate medical attention.
- Third-Degree Burn:Third-degree burns cause the most damage and are considered the most severe burn. These burns extend through all the layers of the skin. It is a myth that third-degree burns are extremely painful. However, the truth is that third-degree burns cause nerve damage, which causes disability to feel the pain from the burn. Third-degree burns should not be self-treated and should be attended by an experienced Doctor. While waiting for medical treatment, do not get undressed and make sure that your clothes are not stuck to the burn.
- Fourth-Degree Burn:This is the deepest and most severe of burns. They’re potentially life-threatening. These burns destroy all layers of your skin, as well as your bones, muscles, and tendons.
So, now that you know the three types of burns, you must also know some home remedies for burns.
How to Treat Minor Burns at Home?

If it is a minor burn, then there are some home remedies you can try to treat it.
- Cool Water:If it is a first-degree or a minor burn, then running cool water over burn can help treat it. So, if you get a minor burn, run cool water (not cold water) over the burn for 15 to 20 minutes or until the pain subsides. This will prevent further damage to your skin. After running cool water over the burned area, wash the area with mild soap and water. This is necessary for wound care.
- Cold Compress:A cool compress or wet cloth placed over the burned area helps in relieving pain and swelling. You can simply wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and place it over your burn. Apply the compress for about ten to fifteen minutes. Wait for half an hour and reapply for 10- 15 minutes.Make sure not to apply ice or compress directly to the burn, as it can damage the skin.
- Use Antibiotic Ointments:Keep an antibiotic ointment always in your first-aid kit. Antibiotic creams and ointments help in preventing infections. Apply an antibacterial ointment to the burned area and cover with a clean, non-fluffy cloth or a sterile.
- Apply Aloe Vera Gel:Aloe vera is one of the most effective home remedies for burns. Whether it is first-degree burn or a second-degree burn, aloe vera works for all. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help in inhibiting the growth of bacteria and also promotes circulation. It also has astringent and healing properties that help in healing burns.You can simply apply fresh aloe vera gel directly on the burn to get relief. Alternatively, you can combine one teaspoon each of aloe vera gel and turmeric and apply the mixture to the burned area. If in case, you do not have an aloe vera plant, then you can also apply a cream that contains aloe vera.
- Honey:Honey is not just an amazing natural sweetener but also plays a significant role in your first aid kit. Since, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties; it works efficiently in healing a minor burn. On top of that, honey also lowers the chances of developing hypertrophic scars to a great extent. Spread organic honey on a gauze bandage and put it directly on the burn. Change this bandage three to four times a day. This is one of the traditional home remedies for burns.
- Silicone Foam Dressing:Soft silicone dressings can be used on a wide range of low to highly exuding wounds, including pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers, traumatic wounds (eg skin tears), partial thickness burns and for skin graft fixation. Don’t know how to choose the right dressing? Check Conkote® Wound Dressing Selection: Types and Usage
So, these are some easy and quick home remedies for burns. But, there are also some famous remedies for burns which people use a lot without realizing that they are harmful. So, let’s clear all this confusion and explore the home remedies which are not safe for burns.
Stay Away From These Home Remedies for Burns
When we are in pain, we just want to get rid of it as soon as we can. In that rush, we do what we remember. For instance, I have seen many people applying toothpaste to burns to get relief. And, honestly speaking, I used to do the same a few months back without realizing that what I am doing can be harmful to my health. There are some common home remedies for burns which should be avoided, such as:
- Butter:Many people apply butter to burns to get instant relief. But, doing this can make your condition worse. Butter retains heat and can also cause infections, making it harder to treat the wound. So, do not use butter as a treatment for burns.
- Oils:Yes, it is an old wives’ tale that coconut oil is magical and heals everything. But, what many people don’t know is that oils such as olive oil and coconut oil can make your burn worse. These oils retain heat and can cause the skin to continue to burn. So, avoid using these oils for treating a bur
- Toothpaste:Never, I repeat never apply toothpaste to a burn. Contrary to popular belief, toothpaste does not help in healing burn. Toothpaste creates a hospitable environment for infection. It is also not sterile, which means that it is not free from bacteria or other living microorganisms. Also, it has the ability to irritate the burn even more, and so it is best not to apply toothpaste on burns.
- Ice:Using ice and very cold water for treating burns should be avoided. And that is because if not used properly, ice and very cold water can cause a cold burn too.
- Egg Whites:Using uncooked egg whites for treating a first-degree burn is also harmful. Eggs can cause an allergic reaction and also lead to infection.
How to Treat Major Burns?

- Seek Medical Help Immediately:Never try to treat major burns at home. Call for an ambulance immediately or visit the nearby hospital to seek immediate medical treatment.
- Cover the Burn:Apply a clean, cool, moist towel over the burned area. Do not use ice or cold water because this can cause hypothermia.
- Remove Chemical Irritants:If the burn is caused by chemicals, then one should immediately clean the area of any remaining chemicals. Do not use any home remedies for treating a chemical burn. Just run the area under cool water or apply a cool compress to get relief.
Stay cautious when you use these home remedies for burns. Call an ambulance immediately if it’s a major burn. Be mindful to prevent any further injuries.If burns are left untreated, things could easily go from bad to worse. We hope this article helps you better understand the different levels of burns and how to treat them.