About Us
2020-04-17 2024-04-24 11:18About Us

Driven by a passion for science, medicine, and the dream of common worldwide healthcare, Conkote seeks to take the market of medical supplies to a higher level, by providing high-quality nursing material, and making it as accessible to end-consumers as it is to wholesale distributors.
“Sharing a Healthier Life”
We are an established medical supplier for public hospitals, clinics and research centers. A strict quality control process and our own Research and Development center -with over 24 patents registered, are the keys to our success. And as committed as we are to global healthcare, the shift towards a user-centered economy has made high-quality medical supplies accessible to people around the globe, who can now get them online in the easiest possible way.
Our Vision
Everyone can have the same right and access to basic healthcare. Especially to those regions where access to medical supplies is limited.
Our Promise
We are committed to providing high-quality medical supplies and knowledge to people around the world.
Our Mission
Taking our expertise and resources in delivering medical knowledge and products to every corner of the world.
We are a fully accredited medical brand.